Children are at the heart of everything we do at Fostering People.
Our approach to fostering ensures that children within our care services have a voice and their needs are our first priority. Our therapeutic approach is all because we want to make lives better for the young people we support.
Supporting children in care
We train all of our foster parents and staff in parenting with the PACE therapeutic model, because we can see the difference it makes to the young people we care for. By using PACE, our children can benefit from therapeutic care at all times, regardless of whether or not they receive sessions with a therapist.
Our social workers supervise and support our foster parents. Children have their own local authority social worker, but that said, our social workers are always on hand for children too – they will ensure they visit regularly when young people are home from school and talk to them independently too. Our foster parents are amazing advocates for our children, but our social workers are too. They will provide help, support and advice to foster families when needed to help them be a ‘pushy parent’ for any child in their care.
Education is extremely important to us at Fostering People. We work hard to ensure children are in education and we have extremely low numbers of children who don’t receive full time education.
Our Education Coordinator ensures we have a full picture of our children’s academic record, and we communicate regularly with schools and colleges.
Every August our young people blow us away with their exam success and many young people go on to further education and apprenticeships.
Children’s council and events
We invite children and young people within Fostering People to have a voice in our organisation. Our children’s council have worked on various projects, including asking questions to potential foster parents at our foster panel, and contributing to our welcome books for children when they come to live with one of our fostering families.
During the year, we hold family events across the country from trips to the zoo or a theme park, to picnics at the beach. These events enable young people in care to come together and make friendships with others that understand what being in foster care is like.
Our Mockingbird model takes this one step further and strong friendships between young people have evolved naturally.
Online safety
When ensuring children are kept safe, we also need to consider the virtual world too. At Fostering People, we follow the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) guidelines and we have our own CEOP Ambassador, who provides up to date training on online safety to our foster parents.
Online safety is part of our ‘Next Steps’ programme that all applicants to foster undertake during their assessment, to ensure every foster parent has the information they need to keep a child safe online from day one.
Our young people’s website ‘Kidzone’ has online safety information too. We use engaging videos to help young people appreciate for themselves how important it is to keep themselves safe in the digital world as well as the real one.
"Fostering People have achieved setting me up for life. Without their support I wouldn’t have been able to do half the things I’ve been able to do.”
Care leaver
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