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Care Inspectorate Advice to keep School and other Childcare settings safe

The Care Inspectorate has sent through useful information to Children and Young People's Services to help advise and inform as we start to ease lockdown restrictions.

May 14 2021 - 4 min read

The Care Inspectorate has sent through useful information to Children and Young People's Services to help advise and inform as we start to ease lockdown restrictions.

They say:

Even though restrictions are easing, we still need to take steps to keep school and childcare settings safe for everyone.

These are:

🤒 Look out for any coronavirus symptoms in your household and keep your kids home if anyone shows any. 

😷 Continue to wear a face covering at drop-off and pick-up time.

🚶‍ Limit to one adult at drop-off and pick-up time.

🚘 Keep 2 metres away from other adults.

🚘 Avoid car shares and limit taking public transport.

🌈 Have outdoor playdates if you can.

For more information and advice, please visit Parentclub.Scot or download this helpful guide.