Fostering People's young people make the grade in this years exam results.
After a second year of facing new and difficult challenges within learning, we want to say a huge well done to our young people, we are so proud of everything everyone has achieved.

2021 Exam Results at Fostering People
Firstly, Fostering People would like to say a huge WELL DONE to each and every young person who has received exam results over the past few weeks!
Pride in our foster children at Fostering People
After a second year of facing new and difficult challenges within learning, we are so proud of everything everyone has achieved.
Leading up to results day understandably saw feelings of anxiety and tension. Young People wondering whether their grades would be fair, wondering if they had done enough throughout the year.
When results day arrived, for the most, those feelings were replaced with elation, excitement for the future and relief that this would hopefully be the last year of learning in this way.
Fostering People contacted each of our foster parents to gather the results and to find out how our young people felt.
Here are just some of the comments made by our foster parents:
“She is very happy with her results. I am so proud of her, she stayed focus and worked very hard through a difficult year to achieved excellent GCSEs results.”
“With these great results he will be able to take up his place at Stockport College. He will be studying T level construction, which is equivalent to 3 A levels. He's over the moon with his results and being the best student the schools ever had!”
“She is really happy with the results. She’s really looking forward to September to start something new”
We have also seen some fabulous A Level Results. S and C both received excellent grades and have both been accepted to their chosen Universities in September. What a wonderful achievement!
Our foster parents birth children have also done remarkably well. Ben will be heading off to Liverpool University, Cole will be going to Leeds Beckett and Emma will be moving on to the next stage of her journey to join the Police.
The ambition some of our young people have is truly brilliant. We have children joining the Military, budding actors, hopes of becoming a forensic psychologist and young people wanting to pursue careers in therapeutic life story work based on their own positive experiences with Fostering People.
Well done to everyone and good luck for your future learning!