Consistently Outstanding since 2013

Working with Tyneside Women's Health

Starting in 2019, Fostering People have commenced partnership with Tyneside Women’s Health, a charitable organisation based in Newcastle and Gateshead. The aim of the charity is to help women and girls to improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing. Their overall vision is ‘a society that is free from mental health stigma, in which all women and girls feel included and empowered’.

August 7 2019 - 3 min read

Starting in 2019, Fostering People have commenced partnership with Tyneside Women’s Health, a charitable organisation based in Newcastle and Gateshead. The aim of the charity is to help women and girls to improve their mental health and emotional wellbeing. Their overall vision is ‘a society that is free from mental health stigma, in which all women and girls feel included and empowered’.

About Tyneside Women's Health

Tyneside Women’s Health work with a number of women who have direct input from children’s services, or whose children are at risk of becoming involved. Fostering People believe that it is important to support the charity with knowledge and resources that may help to prevent further involvement from these statutory services.

In May, Mark Briggs delivered CEOP Thinkuknow internet safety training to the staff team, enabling them to develop their knowledge and confidence in this field and subsequently roll this information out to service users. We are currently looking at other training opportunities and identifying areas that may be of benefit to the organisation.

If budgets allow, Tyneside Women’s Health would like to participate in the 2019 White Ribbon campaign. This commences on 25th November and lasts for sixteen days. During this time, the campaign encourages organisations and individuals to mark this period with events, presentations, and even just taking the effort to speak to family, friends and co-workers about why men must take a stand against violence towards women.

Fostering People would like to assist the charity in their campaign by making and wearing white ribbons. We also hope to join in with any events that Tyneside Women’s Health organise.

If you have a spare room and would like to know more about how to become a foster parent, please give us a call on 0800 077 8159 today.